"Flipped" Back to School Night! Please have a look at our flyer about our "Flipped" Back to School Night!
Meal Distribution Information Please check out the links for information about our district meal services.
Textbooks and Materials Distribution Please read the letter enclosed for information about picking up student textbooks and other materials.
Online Registration Due by July 29! Please log onto the parent portal to complete online registration, even if your student is enrolled in the district. See the link below.
Distance Learning Daily Teaching Schedule Please scroll through this document to find the schedule for your grade level. P.S. Student schedules will be "live" on Monday, July 27!
Principal's Letter to Students 2020-2021 Students and parents, please read this letter from Mrs. Bassham about our plans for the 2020-2021 school year.
Students Must Check Out District Chromebooks Chromebook check out for BBMS is scheduled for Wednesday, July 29 from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM.
8th Grade Virtual Promotion Video!! Please click on the link to view the 8th Grade Promotion Video! Thanks, Mr. Schetter and 8th Grade Team! Congratulations, 8th Graders!